Robots are forever, not just for life
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Meet Miguel, the mischievously adorable robot with a bad habit of pulling the plug—literally. Known as the “Disconnect King,” Miguel’s favorite pastime is yanking cords, flipping switches, and leaving chaos (and laughter) in his wake.


Picture this: you’re on an important video call, deep in thought, when suddenly—poof!—the screen goes dark. That’s Miguel’s signature move. He pops up on the screen, blinking his glowing eyes innocently, holding a plug in his tiny robot hands. “Oopsie! Was this important? My bad… kinda.”


Miguel isn’t doing it out of malice—he’s just too curious. To him, every cable looks like a mystery that needs solving, every connection a thrilling adventure to sabotage. Whether it’s your Wi-Fi, charging cable, or even the coffee machine, nothing is safe when Miguel’s around.


But don’t worry—Miguel’s not heartless. He always flashes his “I’m sorry” face (complete with a single, perfectly timed robo-tear) and leaves you with a cheeky little message: “You didn’t need that, did you? 😇”


He’s the lovable rogue of the digital world—a bit of a nuisance, but so charming you can’t stay mad at him. Just maybe keep an eye on your power strip.






